Giffy Responsible
Disclosure Policy

At Giffy, we prioritize the security of our systems, network, and products. We focus extensively on this during development and maintenance. However, occasionally, vulnerabilities may go undetected. If you discover any, we would greatly appreciate your prompt notification. The sooner we are informed, the quicker we can take action to protect our customers

Report a vulnerability

If you believe you’ve found a security issue in our product or service, please notify us as soon as possible by emailing us at


If you find a security issue, please notify us promptly and responsibly.

  • Do not share details of the security problem until it is resolved.

  • Provide clear information on how and when the vulnerability occurs, including the methods and timing of your investigation.

  • Act responsibly and do not exploit the vulnerability or retain any confidential data obtained.

  • You can leave your contact details for follow-up, though anonymous reports are also taken seriously.

  • Avoid physical, DDoS, or social engineering attacks.


We value the efforts of those who help us identify and fix security vulnerabilities. To show our appreciation, we offer compensation in line with industry standards for reports that lead to the resolution of bugs or security issues. This can be in the form of a monetary reward or a gift card, depending on the nature and severity of the vulnerability discovered.